The Caledonian Partnership is an innovative partnership of voluntary conservation organisations, many private supporters and government forestry, conservation and research agencies with wide experience of and responsibility for native woodland restoration and conservation.
Drawing on expertise from a wide range of organisations and individuals with an interest in the conservation of semi-natural forest the Caledonian Partnership has identified three primary requirements for the development of a co-ordinated action plan for the conservation of the overall resource:
To provide this information it has adopted an integrated and systematic programme of inventory, research and <а href="/">habitat restoration.
The Millennium Guide to Scotland's Forest Resource
This project is creating an inventory of all woodland in Scotland using a Geographic Information System. Information derived from this will provide input into a woodland web site.
Caledonian Forest Project This project was a combination of measures including:
The Restoration of Atlantic Oakwoods
This project aims to restore, enhance and extend 'old oakwoods with Ilex and Blechnum' within seven candidate SAC's within Scotland, England and Wales, and to demonstrate effective and innovative management.
Argyll Pilot Project
This project is to produce a detailed audit of all Caledonian Forest remains in Argyll, to test and validate the detailed survey techniques for wider application. Finally, it will also test the most effective method of presenting the audit results for maximum value for statutory agencies and commercial decision makers.
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